My first entry

Well since i have time to burn, so might as well start writing a blog, so here goes...

I have been itching for a time to tell the world about 1 fantastic friend of mine. He is so special that it is an honour to be his friend. Behold, the one and only..

Also known as Alex Yeo Kim Choi and God of Physics.

This rare photo was captured when he was dwelling in a mind of his own, formulating new theories and proving heroes past and present wrong. Notice how different he is compared to us. What im talking about is the green thing holding up his Kama Sutra of Physics. Maybe it is this very thing that separates the gods from the mortals.. What an awesome sight!

In case you are still wondering who this perfect product of procreation is, let me fill you in with some essential facts you need to know about Alex Yeo Siang Chiew. He has been the top student in our school for 6 straight years, a feat never before achieved by any other student in Green Road Secondary School. In fact, he is so far ahead in terms of knowledge and power that sometimes he might go and prove teachers wrong. I am lucky enough to have this video when he was having a hot debate with our PA teacher.

Of course the teacher proved no match for Alex as his extensive knowledge and power reigned supreme over the hapless teacher. Besides his achievements in school, Alex has also announced himslef onto the scientific world. He has formulated theories which define the way we live. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contributions to the field of chemistry. His discovered that the unsaturated fat in his abdomen can be used coincidentally as a universal indicator. This nobel prize is only a minor fraction of his entire resume. In fact, listing down all his accolades would be impossible.

In this rare photo, Alex can be seen explaining his newfound theories on vector to an enthusiastic fan of his.

Besides his inhuman scholastic achievements, Alex is also a world class badminton player. His shots are known to scream across the net at speeds in excess of mach 1. Up till now he hasnt met a worthy rival. Therefore it is undeniable that he is the undisputed badminton champion of the universe. He also holds the inter-galactical record for the shotput, discuss and the javelin field events.

Alex Yeo Siang Chew is a hardcore fan of BMW cars. He also shows similar interest in anything to do with war and destruction. He is willing to sacrifice himself for honour and country, this includes killing even loved ones. Raise a topic about Russian jet fighters and he will fill you in with every fact available. One can only wonder how a human can store so much data in an organ within the skull. This question is best left for biologist!

Alex is now happily married to Laura Yap...

P/S: For entertainment purposes only.


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